Juan Capristán :: Blockchain Architect - Fullstack Developer


Juan Capristán


I am Juan F. Capristán W., Fullstack Developer specialized in web development, in systems administration, and in blockchain technology. I like working in projects focused in creating a better society.

I like to program using Ruby, Rails, Sinatra, Golang and Gin, though I also develop using nodejs for work necessity ;). I am co-founder of CreativeCocos.com, and author of Bitcoin Boom!.

If you want to contact me, the easiest way is writing me an email to juan@el placer de compartircreativecocos.la alegría de vivircom, or following me at twitter.

Quick Look

  • Juan Fernando Capristán Wadsworth
  • I am a Blockchain Architect
  • I am a Distributed Applications (Dapps) Developer
  • I am a Fullstack web developer
  • I wrote "Bitcoin Boom!" book, available in Bubok, Kobo and Amazon (only in spanish)
  • I am a Ruby on Rails fan, and also a Golang enthusiast
  • I speak spanish and english
  • I live in Madrid
  • juan@la alegría de vivircreativecocos.el placer de compartircom
  • @jfcapristan
  • My Linkedin profile
  • My blog (in spanish)
  • CreativeCocos


Some Courses, Seminars and Conferences
  • Ethereum Devcon 2022
  • Practical Bootcamp in Blockchain Technologies. Devacademy. 2018
  • OpenExpo Europe 2017
  • Ethereum Dapps Development with Solidity. KSchool. 2017
  • Introduction Course to Blockchain Technology. KSchool. 2017
  • BARUCO 2013. Barcelona Ruby Conference, Septiembre 2013.
  • BARUCO 2012. Barcelona Ruby Conference, Septiembre 2012.
  • "Internet Congress 2010". Madrid, October 2010.
  • "IInd Webmasters Congress". Madrid, November 2008.
  • "Internet Forum 2008". Madrid, May 2008.
  • "IInd Congress of editors of periodical publications". Benidorm, March 2006.
  • "Ist Congress of editors of periodical publications". Salamanca, February 2005.
  • "Interñet : The future of spanish in the internet". Summer Courses in El Escorial, UCM. August 2003.
  • "Electronic business, present and future". Summer Courses in UNED. July 2003.


  • Spanish. Mother tongue
  • English. Spoken, read and written
  • German. Learning in progress...
  • Esperanto. Learning in progress...

Programming Languages and Frameworks

  • Golang
  • Gin Framework
  • Ruby + Rails
  • Ruby + Sinatra
  • nodejs
  • python
  • haskell
  • PHP + Yii
  • React JS
  • Angular 1.5
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • VBScript
  • Classic ASP


The Internet

  • Web applicaion development based on Gin / Golang.
  • Web application development based on Sinatra.
  • Web application development based on Ruby on Rails.
  • Web application development based on PHP + Yii Framework.
  • Web application development based on classic ASP.
  • Skilled in HTML, CSS and Javascript, jQuery, ajax, bootstrap.
  • Frontend development based on AngularJS.
  • Website and blog development based in Jekyll.
  • Installation and support on Wordpress, Joomla and other popular freeware CMSs systems.
  • Installation and support on Prestashop for online stores.
  • Installation and support for OpenX and Revival ad servers.
  • Installation and support on Wiki systems like DokuWiki or MediaWiki.
  • Secure payment interfaces of several spanish banks.
  • PayPal and Stripe payment systems integration.
  • nginx web server administration.
  • Apache web server administration.
  • IIS web server administration.


I have experience developing and administering public as well as private blockchain networks, as Ethereum or Fabric

  • Ethereum + Solidity
  • Hyperleger Fabric + Go
  • Hyperleger Fabric + nodejs
  • Hyperledger Besu
  • Quorum


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Openshift
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Azure Cloud
  • Heroku (Rails Apps)


Isue/Task Tracking Systems
  • Confluence
  • Todoist/Wedoist
  • Basecamp
  • Eventum
  • Mantis
  • Bugzilla
Control Version Systems


In Software Engineering
  • Currently I'm working on Santader Bank's Blockchain CoE, in Madrid, as a Blockchain Architect
  • I worked for Inetum Spain (ex Gfi) as Blockchain Consultant from 2018 to 2021.
  • I am co-founder of web develpment company CreativeCocos.com and also of its social branch SocialCocos.
  • I have developed project Tunaturopataonline, an online platform for a naturopathy cabinet.
  • I have developed project Pildorea, an online education platform based on videos.
  • I have developed DíayHora, an online reservation system aimed for both professionals and end users.
  • I have developed EditMaker project for Cibeles.net, where I worked until december 2012. EditMaker is a web based CMS (Content Management System) aimed to newspapers or periodic publications in the internet. This product is being used by more than a hundred online publications.
  • I have developed "CruciSolutions" project, which is a web based crosswords management system that can generate different kinds of similar games of this kind (with inner numbers, outer numbers, blank crosswords and also sudokus), for Puzzlecross S.L.
  • I have developed a campaign generator for online signing for Veterinarios Sin Fronteras.
  • I have developed project "en.via" (word game that means 'send' and also 'on the way'), which is an application to manage courier companies. This product is being used by EuroVip Service.
  • Between 2004 and 2005 I have actively taken part on development of nofumadores.org (nonsmokers) organization website.
  • I worked as a teacher in Maths informática academy, specialized in computer science carreer, teaching "Data Structures", "Introduction to Pascal Programming" and "Programming in C and C++" subjects. I taught for this academy between september 2000 and february 2002.
  • Several minor freelance projects.
In other fields:
  • Co-administrator of the Asamblea del Pueblo de Alpedrete Blog during more than 4 years (between 2011 and 2015)
  • Designer of latin american newspaper Quipu during 8 months (between 1998 and 1999)
  • Designer of legal magazine DINATOS between january 2000 and may 2001.

Other Info

  • I have 22 years of professional experience
  • I am 48 years old, was born in Perú, and I've been living in Spain for 30 years.
  • I am father of 2 children since 2012, and I love it.
  • I like writing, reading, sports, and traveling.
  • I am a self-tought piano player apprentice thanks to first lockdown in march 2020.
  • I despice animal mistreat in any of its several forms. Specially those socially accepted.
  • I was an active member of 15M movement (aka "occupy movement" in Spain) since its very begining in 2011, during 5 years. I think a good path to build a better society is partaking democracy, as the next logical step to the current representative model.
  • I am interested in nature, sustainability, healthy life and alternative therapies.
  • I don't like to be a passive smoker. Fortunately in Spain this is not a problem anymore (it took hard to get there).
  • I believe in God, but absolutely not in religions.
No somos antisistema, el sistema es anti-nosotros. #spanishrevolution
Error 404: Democracy not found. #spanishrevolution
No falta dinero. Sobran ladrones. #spanishrevolution
Ni cara A, ni cara B, queremos cambiar de disco. #spanishrevolution
Cuando los de abajo se mueven, los de arriba se tambalean. #spanishrevolution
No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros. #spanishrevolution
¿Por qué manda el mercado, si yo no lo he votado?. #spanishrevolution
Pienso, luego estorbo. #spanishrevolution
Alegría para luchar, organización para vencer. #spanishrevolution
Yes, we camp. #spanishrevolution
Apaga la TV, enciende tu mente. #spanishrevolution
Manos arriba, esto es un contrato. #spanishrevolution
Sonríe... algo está cambiando. #spanishrevolution
Cerrado por revolución, disfruten las molestias. #spanishrevolution
Democracy 1.0 needs to be updated! [Bipartidism Error] Installing Democracy 2.0. #spanishrevolution
No es la crisis, es el sistema. #spanishrevolution
Vamos despacio porque queremos llegar lejos. #spanishrevolution
¿Para qué sirve la utopía?, la utopía sirve para caminar. #spanishrevolution
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley